About Toni Cordell

Modest Beginnings:
As a toddler, Toni was challenged with medical conditions that limited her ability to learn and process language, resulting in low literacy. Today, Toni has overcome her stumbling blocks and is a sought after speaker in the areas of low literacy and health. She is driven to bring awareness to adults who struggle with low literacy and works with the medical community to eliminate its dangers.

"I could read well enough to get by but not ahead. I could read well enough to graduate from high school, but not get a real education. I could read well enough to read several Dr. Seuss books to my children, but not well enough to read a book on how to nurture them. I could read well enough to see the difference between a can of cat food and Tuna fish, but not well enough to read and follow a recipe to prepare that Tuna fish. I could read well enough to get almost any minimum wage job, but not build a real career. I could read well enough to sign legal papers but not well enough to know the consequences that would follow."
Toni heard about a literacy program that helped adults improve basic skills. She signed up and her tutor introduced her to a new way to read using phonics. The Laubach method dramatically changed her ability to comprehend the lines and circles on the page. Toni's new found mastery of the language softened the shame, and SHE FOUND HER VOICE. Toni attributes her success and victory over her life's obstacles to her faith in God.
Low health literacy is a serious problem in this country with 73 billion dollars the annual estimated cost of low litereacy skills, according to the National Academy of the Aging Society.