Toni Cordell "A Nationally known speaker in the fields of health and literacy."
Keynote Speaker
Conference Presentations
Conference Workshops
The most consistent theme of Toni's presentations is to gently challenge the audience to "Turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones."

Toni Cordell's modest beginnings in life did not prevent her from chasing big dreams. Toni is sharing her experiences and expertise as a successful example of someone who has turned her own stumbling blocks into stepping stones. Having grown up with low literacy and overcoming its obstacles; Toni has become a sought after speaker on the issue of literacy, communication, and patient safety.
Toni has spoken in universities, health institutes, inspirational women's conferences, and hospitals alike. She is known to be an enthusiastic and dynamic communicator, as well as an accomplished documentary filmmaker. She is credited and treasured for her sincere committment and passion; to bring awareness of low literacy and its dangers to others.

In 2014, Toni was awarded the Giraffe Hero Commendation, an award given to people who stick their necks out for the common good. www.giraffe.org